Traccar 3.8

November 19, 2016

Version 3.8 of Traccar GPS tracking platform is available for download.

The biggest new feature of this release is Excel reports. It is a replacement for more primitive CSV reports. Excel exports are based on template system, so report format can be customized to include extra data or modify display format of the current fields.

Another key feature is attribute aliases. Now position attributes names can be customized on per-device basis. Currently it affects only display name, but in future aliases can be used to assign sensors to specific functions on the server side as well.

There were many changes on the web interface part. Most noticeable one is change of the ExtJS theme to Triton. Default map layer is changed to "Carto", but OpenStreetMaps layer is still available as an option. Many buttons have been changed from text to icons. It has been done to improve layout on mobile version of the web interface. From now on mobile website has all the same features as the desktop version, including reports. Another important improvement on the web interface part is ability to switch icons. There is a number of options available, including car, truck, boat and airplane. There are many other smaller improvements and modification as well.

Extra fields have been added to device and user models. For device you can specify model, phone number, contact details and category. Administrator can now set the expiration date for user account and enable or disable users at any time. There is also a API token associated with every user account now to allow website access without regular login and password.

Administrators now have an access to server statistics which includes numbers of active user and devices.

On the back-end side there were multiple improvements and fixes as well. A big one is a fix for H02 protocol. As usual with new release Traccar adds more protocols to the supported list. This time it's almost ten new communication protocols:

There are more exciting features coming with the next release. If you are missing something in Traccar server, submit a feature request on GitHub. You can also vote for new features on this thread.

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