Traccar 5.2

July 17, 2022

Traccar server version 5.2 is availale for download.

Last week we released verion 5.1, but it had some issues, so we decided to quickly release another version with fixes and improvements. This blog post will include details on all the changes since version 5.0.

Full internal in-memory cache is finally removed. Instead we use a new caching system where only objectes related to the connected devices and users are cached. New version also includes a way to synchronize changes between server instances using multicast, so Traccar can now be scaled hosizontally to support virtually unlimited number of devices. Note that there are still some remaining tasks for scaling to work for all features. For example, commands currently only work if device and user are connected to the same server instance. We are actively working on finishing those tasks.

New features and improvements since version 5.0:

There is a huge number of Modern app improvements. Many of the new features are only available in the modern app. Here are the notable changes in the Modern app:

For more technicaly audience, here are some important development related improvements.

There are also a lot of smaller fixes and improvements, especially around the Modern web app. Please try it and let us know what you think.

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