Traccar Localization

November 12, 2015

Starting from version 3.1 Traccar server supports localization of the web interface. Initially there were only 7 languages available, but number of translations is growing fast and at the time of writing this post there are 20 languages supported by the web interface.

With new features being actively developed and many improvements and changes to the existing features, there are many new and modified strings that require translations to all available languages. I have made a decision to use third party service to manage all that complexity - Transifex. Transifex one of the best and most popular web-based translation platforms. Open source projects like Traccar can use all available features of the platform for free.

I have imported all existing localized resources, but some of them are already missing a couple of strings. If you are interested in helping the project by maintaining translation for your native language, please follow the link below and register as a translator for Traccar project. If you want to add a new language, please contact me. Adding new localization is very simple and should not take a long time as the number of string at this point is quite low.

Register as translator for Traccar here:

Next official release is coming out soon, so please help with localization as soon as possible so that everything in the web interface is properly localized. If you find any problems with existing localized string, feel free to fix them as well.

Discuss it on the forum.