My device-SIM card cannot send SMS - is this essential?

Heinz Blödorn6 years ago

Hi all,
I've put a free SIM from Telefónica Germany (O2 Netzclub) into my TK102-clone tracker. It allows for 100 MB mobile data / month but it can only receive SMS, not send.

I understand the tracker will answer 'OK' by SMS to the initial begin123456 command. What if sending SMS fails? Will it try again and again or can I (or can Traccar) just continue sending commands?

Best regards,

Heinz Blödorn6 years ago

anybody there?

dead forum?

parelius6 years ago

Setup the tracker with another SIM card, and then insert your 100 MB card....
No need for SMS after that.

imarinkovic6 years ago

Sorry, didn't see before.

If you are sure about command you need to send, you don't need returning SMS.