Server upload interval report time

Dinesh yadav5 years ago

I am trying to change device upload interval (also known as report time). Device uploads its position to server with this delay. I have topin device and am referring to topin protocol here (
I am trying to set upload interval delay to 10mins (600sec). So I am sending below command from server to device.
but device still reports in 3min interval (previous default time). I do not even receive any error message. Any help would be appreciated? What wrong I am doing here.
Below is mentioned in protocol
0x97 The server sets the upload interval
Start bit 2byte packet length 1byte protocol number 1byte upload interval 2byte end bit 2byte
Eg.7878 03 97 0050 0D0A
The upload interval is set to 0050 = 80 seconds to upload once, the upload interval is 10-7200 seconds

Phillip Burkert4 years ago

i have the same problem. setting the upload interval via sms is no problem. but setting the upload interval via server is not working.
i already tried sending several commands (protokol id 97 like above, sending message with id 98 which is for setting via sms... and even sending message with id 57.... desperate try ;-), but the only effect after sending a message with id 97 is, that the topin locator sends a last gpsposition and than stops sending at all . just the status package wil still be send. or (after sending messages with id 57 or 98) it ignores the message.
after setting the upload interval via sms, it starts sending again.

has someone got this to work?

NoFate2 years ago


i'm new to traccar / topin
is it possible to send time interval now (without SMS) ?
