Atrack Devices Sending HardBraking/HardAcceleration alerts several times a second

M. Lee5 years ago


I am wondering if anyone else has encountered this before.

Several Atrack AX9 devices we have set up recently are sending us hard braking and hard acceleration alarms constantly. Some are several times a second and some are once a second.

Our traccar server can handle this coming in but when we request data via the API traccar pools the full 1.5 million rows of "hardBraking" for that day into memory on the server and crashes the traccar service.

We suspect someone has altered our config or potentially a firmware update on the devices has caused this.

Wondering if anyone else has experienced this?


M. Lee5 years ago

The attributes string looks like so:
{"type":104,"alarm":"hardBreaking","odometer":874500,"hdop":0.6000000000000001,"input":1,"output":0,"adc1":0.0,"temp1":200.0,"temp2":200.0,"distance":0.0,"totalDistance":0.0,"motion":true}. Typically it repeats several times a second even if the lat/lng hasn't changed.

M. Lee5 years ago