Teltonika FMB920

Omar Asim5 years ago

Hello People,

Just need a quick advice on connecting FMB920 with the traccar server. Please clarify the below points:-

  1. When sending command to the FMB920 it has a port option do I have to connect the port 5027 on it ?

  2. It says whether to use TCP or UDP in protocol, please advise what to select.

  3. Lastly do I have to enter the IMEI of the FMB920 in identifier ?

webo5 years ago
  1. Yes you need to specify port 5027 in the Teltonika configurator and make sure port 5027 is open on your server
  2. I would recommend TCP
  3. Yes, the identifier is the IMEI
Omar Asim5 years ago

Hi Webo,

Let me know what domain should I be using in the teltonika configurator as it is asking me over there after APN Details, is domain localhost:8082 for me at the moment as I do not have any domain linked with the web interface. Please confirm ? :)

webo5 years ago

The server needs to be exposed to the internet behind a fixed IP and/or domain name.

In this case, you'll need the domain name if you want to use DNS. If you have a public IP address, you can use that as well but I wouldn't recommend it since it will be difficult to move your server should you need to in the future.

Omar Asim5 years ago

Dear Webo,

I'm thinking to buy a domain for the main website and will be using a subdomain provided with it for the web interface..
Just to provide you with an example : if my domain is then subdomain for the portal (web interface) will be

Do you want me to enter the subdomain that I choose over the teltonika configurator ?

Yo hice la prueba con un Teltonika FMB920 y funcionó, tienes que configurar los parámetros de conexión como el APN y el servidor, OJO son dos cosas totalmente diferentes.

El APN es la conexión que tiene el operador móvil con la red de datos.
IP/DOMINIO es donde va enviar los eventos la unidad gps.
TCP/UDP el la forma de como va enviar la trama al servidor, Traccar es TCP y apunta al puerto 5027.

Si necesitas información yo te puedo ayudar tengo plantillas de configuración y firmware reciente.

Jhon Mario Salazar
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