New Protocol? TopFlyTech

Welcomme3 years ago

I am testing a TopFlyTech Brand Tracker, model TLW1-10A.
I did not find this model in the list of supported devices, If I use port 5047 (TopFlyTech) It doesn't work!
So I configured it on port 5094 (T800X).

The GPS looks online but I can't see changes to its additional inputs, Analog, Digital or wireless sensors.
I have the corresponding protocol documentation but I don't know how to validate it

Welcomme3 years ago

I add that I can not send commands from the platform with said protocol either.

The hex line says:

HEX: 2525010015000b0865284040396057103454250322

I can't decode it with the tool.
I have all the documentation of the protocol that the GPS uses ...

Welcomme3 years ago

I leave the documentation here.
The password is: startupsrl

Miguel Rienzi3 years ago

Can you resolve this issue, I'm using TLW1-4A from Startup (Argentina) and I have problem with the Panic Button!. Thanks

Miguel Rienzi3 years ago

Hola, Ahí leí un poco más y vi que sos Argentino. Tengo el equipo TLW1-4A que viene con un botón de pánico bluetooth. Startup me dice que el equipo manda como mensaje 9600.. Pero en el Traccar no figura ni un evento en el momento que clickeo el botón, vos lo probaste eso ?

Adrian PC2 years ago

Hola, que tal? pudieron integrarlo? yo tengo un problema con los comandos personalizados, no logro hacer por ejemplo, un paro de motor

FOS2 years ago

Buenas Gente, pudieron resolver los temas con topfly?