Compact personal GPS device recommendation

Artiom3 years ago

Could you recommend a small GPS tracker that will work with traccar? I've randomly tried different items from compatibility list and all of them are big industrial/OBD tracker. And ebay is full of small cheap devices labled GF-06, GF-07 etc. Has anybody any experience with those?

RichardG3 years ago
Artiom3 years ago

Thank you a lot! I've ordered the same. What is the protocol? I cannot find it in the list of devices.

RichardG3 years ago

Cant remember protocol, but the port is 5002.

Here's my cheat sheet for setting them up

Set APN to testing sim. Telstra if you are using Telstra SIM 
nb. You wont be able to call the device even when its fully charged

Set IP address

Set Master Phone number
The tracker will only respond to commands from this number

Set UTC time to Sydney/Australia (or wherever you are)

Turn off all alerts

set route track function to always be on (99)

get current location every 60 seconds

upload current location every 60 seconds

upload regardless of whether in motion every 12 hours.

Get IMEI/Tracker identifier so you can add to traccar web interface. (pay attention to capital I (i) below.. i think its case sensitive)

Add device to traccar
You will use the IMEI number as the device identifier from the above step
Eg. 864768012507768
Artiom3 years ago

Great! Thanks again. It would be good to have a wiki here to keep cheat sheets like this. Very valuable!

Artiom3 years ago

So I have received that T80 tracker and it works as per instruction you posted. Protocol is detected as tk103.
It works pretty well, except that I don't see the battery information.

RichardG3 years ago

I can't remember ever checking the battery. Check the logs?

Artiom3 years ago

There is nothing about battery in the log. Traccar client, which sends battery info, has exactly the same log entries, just time and coordinates, speed, course.

Artiom3 years ago

Suddenly I've started to see battery level... Nothing changed in device setup. Just added it to gefence, restarted server... but it was a day ago and I've got battery details just now...
Is it possible that device sends different messages ? I've seen in the log hexes of different length.

Artiom3 years ago

Just checked in the report, it sends battery info every 10 minutes, while coordinates are sent every minute.

Synkopa713 years ago

Made as instructed, the T80 responded nicely, but the Traccar Client was not receiving the data. I set the device identification number in the client as IMEI T80. I also tried a shortened IMEI of 11 digits with a zero at the beginning. My URL is I also tried port 5055. Where is my mistake?

Synkopa713 years ago

Problem solved. I have not been properly registered.