GT06D / GT02 question, only updates at 5 min intervals.

Chris Wilson6 years ago

Hello I am newly registered to this forum. Before going further I need to address an issue with my Ebay tracking device. The PCB is marked GT_02MT6261D_V2.3 nd it returns this info when I send check123456 Version:61M-GT06_V4.4_180827

I have 2 issues. I can see it on the web site the poor instruction sheet suggested as a tracking site, and when i use a different IP address and port, on the gps-trace web site. It only updates at 5 minute intervals (exact to the second) whatever I enter as a fix blah blah command, despite it returning fix blah blah OK. As such it's impossible to generate a trace route. Secondly I am unable to command it either by sms or by dialling it and it hanging up (returns the engaged tone after 3 rings). It merely returns a message without coordinates or a link to Google Maps.

Some of these devices are multi wire, hard wired to the vehicle, this is a simple two wire device. + and - power. I tried soldering a link from +ve pad to the Acc pad in case it defaulted to a five second GPS update with no power to the Acc pad. No change still updates at exactly five minute intervals. The GPS location is correct though, stationary or on the move but only at 5 minutes apart intervals. No good! Or at least far from ideal. I have Googled but see nothing re this. I have rebooted it several times. It does not appear to accept a "format" command.

Can anyone suggest how to address this before i continue please? Thanks!

walter6 years ago

same problem
no solution found

walter6 years ago

my other device 61M-GT06_V4.2_180711 is working (same hardware id in board)

Chris Wilson6 years ago

Thank you Walter, at least it appears other units with the same firmware are exhibiting this. May I ask where you got the V4.2_180711 unit from and how long ago please? The thing works well apart from this annoying limitation!

walter6 years ago

Hi Chris,
i bought the first device on ebay about 2 weeks ago. This is unfortunately sold out now. With the new delivery the same hardware was delivered but with the wrong firmware. Have some dealers posted which version their devices have. A transmission every 5 minutes is useless.

Chris Wilson6 years ago

Thanks again Walter. I am guessing they do this to reduce traffic on whatever web site they recommend for tracking? In my case the (poor) instructions suggested is this the same with your model? Cheers. If you do find a source of these cheap clones that is not castrated to only update at 5 minute intervals and is otherwise fully "unlocked" please let me know, thanks :)

walter6 years ago

I think it was a firmware bug. The timer for switching off the LED is permanently set to 5 minutes. Instead of reading out the timer for the Internet (GPRS), the variable for the LED is read out.
SMS: fix060s *** n123456
Answer: t060s *** ok!
But no function!
SMS: check123456
Answer: 60 seconds
So bug in the firmware !!!
The GPS devices are universal and work with every server. You can set the server via SMS. Example: adminip123456 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX 5023
I use my own traccar server because I do not want to share my data with others. Currently I can not say which supplier will deliver which version of the device. There are very different pictures and very different instructions. No information about the firmware version. The hardware is always the same. There seems to be no way to update the firmware. I also have a TK102 that works very unreliable. The original TK909 is really great. Automatically turns on and off and has a built-in battery. But not cheap. Which TK112 (gt02) works is currently a matter of luck. If I found a suitable supplier, I'll let you know.

walter5 years ago
Chris Wilson5 years ago

I hope you are still around Walter, I could not log on to the forum and attempts to change password failed. I gave up after a lot of tries. Today i decided to try again and managed to create another account. Many thanks for the link, unfortunately Ebay returned a message saying that "due to VAT (tax) irregularities" they were unable to allow me to purchase here in the UK. I have a German friend who would buy for me and send but hen they'd sold out... Still looking for a device known to update say every 10 seconds. you mentioned the TK909, which appears to be a pet tracker, can it be powered from the car battery, perhaps via a 5V converter and therefore run permanently? Thanks again. And a very late Happy New Year to you, too ;)

Starbase123 years ago

Hello Chris,

2 1/2 year ago I buyed one GT02A from BrotherInc's ebay shop. Firmware is: 61M-GT06_V4.4_180827 and PCB: GT_02MT6261D_V2.3. I'm facing the sames issues like you. Few days after buying I contacted the support but unfortunatly they thought it was my own fault because the device is findng not enough gps satelites. Until this week I accepted that and ignored this issues in the meantime. Now I installed my first selfhosted traccar server and again I found out, that the tracker is still reporting every 5 minutes. Also under the best condition.

I contacted the support again and waiting now for an answer. Maybe someone can tell me how to update or downgrade this device to a working firmware. A USB-Port is available but I can't find informations how to use this within the manual.

Regards, also Chris

Chris Wilson3 years ago

Hi Chris, good to hear from you. I had to give up on it as a firmware change seemed impossible as no suitable software was available, nor any known property firmwares...

I bought a similar device from a different vendor and that updates every ten seconds (minimum) It was ages ago and I doubt you'd find one now, although it's still working fine to this day. I then moved on to a base model Teltonika, that apart from not wanting to issue SMS stuff when phoned, works fine and is highly user configurable. I guess you get what you pay for, and Ebay is a big risk for such devices.

If you do find a fix, please share, things like that fascinate me and I still have the working 5 minute minimum update device here. All the best and good luck Chris.

Token3 years ago


any News for this Problem?


Token3 years ago


so BrotherInc. says: "no, the Firmware can not be updated (as far as we know).
Special hardware is needed here, which flash the device via USB."
(other than that, there was no further elaboration on the thread issue).

... but that doesn't really make sense for a 25€ China Product.


Starbase122 years ago

Hey again,

want to give a small update. From year to year I get annoyed about the Brotherinc GPS tracker I bought. In the meantime, the 2-year statutory warranty is of course long gone. However, the fact is that I bought a non-working device from them. You are already buying from a dealer who is not sitting in China or Hong Kong and you are still not receiving good support. Too bad.

Does anyone have a valid link to a comparable, working product for around 30-50 euros? Thanks in advanced.

Starbase122 years ago

Finally and with help of BrotherInc I was able to fix it!

After I contacted BrotherInc a third (and last) time regarding my issue, they provided me a firmware and flash tool! I removed unnecessary files, checked everything for viruses and wrote a small guide to it. If you want, you can download the files from my cloud.

@Chris Wilson
If you still have your affected devices, you can now hopefully update your firmware as well.

If the download link isn't working or you have a question regarding the procedure please contact me: [removed]. The 7z-file contains a small readme which guides you throught the procedure and also contains a list of required equipment.

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SHA-256 checksum: D563404745A143CF6A49382D6AAA1F219EEA2DF58AD3B4DA2D22A054C96F40A5
