How to delete APN user at ST-901

Sebastian2 years ago

I changed my provider and have to change the APN for the new one so i sent "8030000" to my device. But it doesn't connect. With "RCONF" i got this info: ",t-mobile,tm". t-mobile ist he old user and tm the old password. I tried to add different adds like space and komma to the end of the 803 command but there is no way to set ",," like it is on an new one where user and password wer not set before.
Anyone have an idea how to remove user and password or factory reset the device?

Richard Acosta2 years ago

You need to check on user's manual and technical data provided by the manufacturer.

Sebastian2 years ago

I checked the manual but it is not possible to delete user and password. If i send command 803 without user and/or password the old will be still saved. Manual says: 8030000+space+APN+space+user+space+password

Forensic2 years ago

What i see is, the old provider and the new one has the same APN. Is that correct? If yes, try to set another APN, for example from After that change to the provider with the same APN as the old one and without password. I think, the problem lies in the same APNĀ“s and the old one has a password.

Sebastian2 years ago

Hello, thanks for your answer.
The old one was internet.telekom I tried alot of different commands and APNs. The best result was ", , " But this means "space" for User and password and it do not connect. I tried a new tracker with same SIM. I set APN without user and password and everything works fine.

Forensic2 years ago

That's a solution, too. The tracker is cheap and sometimes it's better to put it into waste than spend hours and hours to find out whats going wrong ;-).

Sebastian2 years ago

It's not only 1 tracker. I have the problem at 20 devices. I don't really want to put them away cause we have only one planet.

Forensic2 years ago

20pcs is too much. Now i found this site: In point 16 I found the command "reset" to reset the ST-901.

Quima year ago


I am having the same problem. Did anyone manage to remove the user and password once it is set to something different than void? I already tried the RESET command but it didn't remove the APN user and password.