JT701 Protocol JT600

Juankaher2 years ago

Hi Anton and Community,
I tested JT701 e-lock device from Jointech. It sends location info to traccar .
When I open the command windows I see this commands available:
Cut engine
Resume engine
Reset device
custom command
I supposed Cut engine or resume engine is used to unlock the padlock but neither works..
I extrack from log this records when I sent commands..

2022-02-22 11:37:39  INFO: [a04974cc] id: 8000630041, command type: engineStop sent
2022-02-22 11:37:45  INFO: [a04974cc: jt600 <] HEX: 2480006300411911003422022216374104520722074037759b0000000000550b0000000020e064ea3110060e00020f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f000002dc654e

2022-02-22 11:38:09  INFO: [a04974cc] id: 8000630041, command type: engineResume sent
2022-02-22 11:38:15  INFO: [a04974cc: jt600 <] HEX: 2480006300411911003422022216381104520729074037758b0000000000550b0000000020e064ea3110060e00020f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f000002dc654f

Something is missing in my config or protocol is not yet fully supported? could you please advise?

J. Carlos

Juankaher2 years ago

Anton, could you please share your thoughs?

Juankaher2 years ago

traccar version 4.15