Pet tracker Z8 - help please identifying protocol

Neil4 years ago

@OverkillTASF - don't waste your money on the Z8, it not a good tracker... the app is awful, limited and accuracy of the Z8 isn't great either compared to many i've got.

OverkillTASF4 years ago

Yeah I don't think anyone here is really interested in the app. :-) We probably all want something we can cobble together to work with Traccar.

Not that it's relevant to this discussion.... but I'd really like to get my hand on one of the units that pings the GPS coordinates via MURS... see if I can get an SDR (or several) to receive that from around my property and submit that to Traccar. But given that those units are expensive... I might have to settle for something that can submit GPS through my wifi mesh across the property. Unfortunately no reliable cell service out here.

Neil4 years ago

@OverkillTASF - the wifi trackers i have are only for wifi location trilateration, they don't connect to wifi, they just scan and report the mac address and db level, they use GPRS (cell) to transmit the data back to a server. The trackers out there that don't rely on a sim card (mobile network) are proprietary, designed for their own apps.

Natalie2 years ago

Does anyone know how this z8 tracker works.
I have logged on but the tracker says offline and I can work out how to make it online

Neil2 years ago

Does anyone know how this z8 tracker works.
I have logged on but the tracker says offline and I can work out how to make it online

haven't tested mine in over a year now. Last time i checked the service was off-line, i emailed the app developer, never got a response, within weeks it was back on-line. I'll check later and get back to you, i need to charge the device and put a sim in to test.

Neil2 years ago


I've just picked this up, i forgot all about it.
I've got the Z8 sending data to my server (i have a proxy process setup to relay back to the Z8's own server, so i can inspect the data).
The Z8 server is operational, the app keeps saying "Network Error".. are you getting the same error? I can't even login or reset the password.

DAVE2 years ago

Hello, is it possible to give a link to the application, the link from the box page is not working and the application from google play is not working?
Thank you

Neil2 years ago

Hello, is it possible to give a link to the application, the link from the box page is not working and the application from google play is not working?

The original Z8 server is now defunct, the server is off-line and app breaks because there is no server. Some newer Z8's work an alternative server, not all.
You can try this one by sending this commend via SMS to your tracker:


Then download the "One Tracing" app from the app store(s)

DAVE2 years ago

Thank you, the tracker received the sms command and confirmed ok, but in the application it says that the imei does not exist. It's okay, thank you, I'll throw it away and get something else for my dog.

Neil2 years ago

Thank you, the tracker received the sms command and confirmed ok, but in the application it says that the imei does not exist. It's okay, thank you, I'll throw it away and get something else for my dog.

Don't throw it away, it works and i'm working on a solution for the Z8... if you give me the IMEI number, i'll check it does connect to the said server and not an app problem.

DAVE2 years ago

Ok thank you, here it is

Neil2 years ago

Dave, i checked via the new server to see it wouldn't connect, it was instantly rejected, i have 2 Z8's one IMEI is allowed to connect to server, the other isn't, only works on the server that went off-line ... they both physically work (i have been working on my own server)
Put it in a draw (don't throw it away, as there is nothing wrong with the physical tracker) and I'll be in touch via here when I've got something that works with this tracker.

DAVE2 years ago

Great, thank you very much, I have it for my dog, sometimes he runs away in the forest after game. although it is not a super tracer, but it was enough for my needs. David

stuthemoo2 years ago

Hi Neil,

The list of SMS commands and server responses have been super helpful for me getting my Z8 to work.

Where did you find them? I can't find them anywhere else. I'm hoping to get a complete list with more commands if there are any more.


stuthemoo2 years ago

I'm in the process of setting up a server to forward the tracking info so we can use it with Traccar. Does anyone know who manufactures the Z8 device?

In the meantime see this video to track your Z8 online.