Recent topics by Marcin

Modern Interface @ 5.2 Finaly GREAT2 years ago2
Airtag and Traccar > Now running10 months ago10
Bing Maps (how to get it in Traccar 5?)2 years ago11
Version 4.15 > Just Thankx2 years ago3
Where to reduce lifetime of the cookies user and password?2 years ago2
Rows from Database not in WebUI3 years ago4
Format of location Message in Telegram?3 years ago8
Looking for SQL statement help on trackar DB (paid)4 years ago5
Best place for own script? (Userlog)4 years ago11
iOS App does not work in background4 years ago8
SQL Statement for changing an Attribute in the Database?4 years ago3
Which variables are useables as expression in Computed Attributes?4 years ago5
Is Telegram now in official Version integrated?4 years ago2
How to set up IOS and Android Client for sending driverUniqueId ?4 years ago8
User rights?4 years ago2
GT06m Tracker config with IPv6 Server4 years ago4
Tiny Traccar Server?5 years ago4