Recent topics by paulo andre jannke

error when clicking on reports/schedules3 months ago4
share device3 months ago19
update 5.9 to 5.113 months ago10
Traccar modern4 months ago6
help with attributes5 months ago2
request resources5 months ago2
identify driver7 months ago1
driver information7 months ago2
email text7 months ago4
API usage7 months ago2
reset password7 months ago7
smtp8 months ago2
comands Group8 months ago8
increase strokea year ago2
migrate 4.10 to 5.7a year ago6
Platform blocks access5 years ago3
Traccar.xml Telegram 3 years ago10
doubts with telegrama year ago118
identify drivers6 years ago4
Polilinha6 years ago2
udp ou tcp6 years ago2
aplication6 years ago8
help with speed limit6 years ago2
IP6 years ago8
change speed format6 years ago16