Recent topics by jay

Smart Push to talk radio (PTT)4 months ago2
Notification Title6 months ago2
nominatim server xml settings7 months ago2
Ver 5.9 error when adding and deleting a user and sometimes devices as well7 months ago5
version 5.9 4 months ago18
show address9 months ago2
Moving Notification9 months ago3
Db backup10 months ago2
Fuel increase notification traccar, web, smms10 months ago4
Notification10 months ago2
Attributes- Change of colorsa year ago1
Groupsa year ago2
MySQL and MS SQLa year ago2
Traccar on VS Code a year ago7
preview traccara year ago3
Traccar Previewa year ago3
version 5.42 years ago3
moving attribute2 years ago2
Images of vehicle on new version 5.32 years ago3
ST-18 DYEGOO ST182 years ago3
Adding image v5.3a year ago15
image on device2 years ago1
Notifications2 years ago4
Attributes on New UI2 years ago3
Password reset on version 5.32 years ago4
New version prview2 years ago6
vehicle parked but shows km2 years ago2
traccar preview2 years ago4
Version 5.22 years ago3
Ver 5.12 years ago1
IntelliJ IDEA2 years ago2
traccar 5.02 years ago2
mysql backup2 years ago2
MySQL Database Optimization2 years ago1
filter distance 2 years ago15
LocationIq2 years ago2
newest version 4.142 years ago2
Device ST 9013 years ago1
Trip report3 years ago3
Engine hours3 years ago2
fuel spenta year ago5
Traccar not starting after ver 4.11 upgrade3 years ago3
IntelliJ3 years ago5
Modify UI3 years ago2
Modifying web interface4 years ago2
Tracking units going to unknown state4 years ago3
Rasberry Pi5 years ago1
Nginx reverse proxy5 years ago9
traccar xml file works for me5 years ago2
2 traccar server on same network5 years ago10