Recent topics by Ólavur

HDOP filter5 years ago1
How long a device has been turned on6 years ago2
Device to track GPS and engine hours on heavy-duty vehicles6 years ago7
How is fuelConsumption calculated?7 years ago11
Upgrade from 3.11 to 3.14 did not work7 years ago8
TotalDistance initial value is not zero for device7 years ago2
Custom Reporting7 years ago11
Time in API calls one hour behind7 years ago6
Using API to get attribute in positions7 years ago3
Admin area gets a spinner when a device is deleted7 years ago13
Device limit6 years ago4
Modify Notification text2 years ago17
Custom Command response from API5 years ago13
API - POST Users and POST Devices error7 years ago2
Devices that work with Traccar7 years ago4
API with custom commands7 years ago4
Web UI attributes7 years ago5