Traccar Server

Guide for scheduling reports for specific User(s)8 months agoSaj8
Allow users to select multiple overlays8 months agoCris Amende4
I see wrong distance in some devices. 8 months agoHarshana Srimal11
Authentication Method 'x-api-key' for Sending Notifications using the Evolution API8 months agojcvn2
Emojis not showing anymore in modern webapp8 months agobenoit7
What happened to my device history data(position,trips,summary) if i deleted my vehicle8 months agoshahab5
OIDC support available?8 months agoRalf2
Incorrect display of geofences8 months agoPran8
problem with route api rest8 months agoCarlos Colque5
Discrepancy in Total Device Distance Calculation between MySQL Query and Traccar Platform8 months agoSegads5
smtp8 months agopaulo andre jannke2
Slow traccar interface8 months agoGIS-FACTORY7
Need more info Redis integration support for horizontal scaling8 months agoEnirh2
Icons Disappeared on Map24 days agoJeff9
Geolocation network error - HTTP 301 Moved Permanently7 months agommuccillo6