Traccar Server

Version 5.8 attibutesa year agoMarcelo Garrido5
Linux installationa year agoAmado2
Waypoints on route / tripsa year agoWil Hawkes6
New to Traccar - GV500MAP using gl200 protocol?10 months agoScott Lemon15
Upgrade from 4.15 to 5.8 failed DB migration on 5.8 schema error on geofenceids and fails to start3 months agoStoyan13
retry event forwarda year agomuhamedoufi3
Geocoding pricinga year agomwpclark2
Modern web app doesn't update in real time9 months agoJonathan Garces4
FMU125 and teltonika dualcama year agojamel10
Send GPRS commands when device is forwarded from other server.a year agoTjeerd134
Set Geofencea year agoArturo Negreiros4
problems in docker installation with mariadb 11.0.29 months agoDAVIZINHO21
API Changesa year agoGps man2
batteryLevela year agoJérôme3
Layout WebUI - Page Devicesa year agocguenther3