Sinotrack ST-901 config issues

Demetris6 years ago

Anyone? No possible fix?

Demetris6 years ago

Anduriño what firmware do you have?

Anduriño6 years ago

Seller / Device / firmware:

SinoTrack / ST-901 / AU08
SinoTrack / ST-901M / AU08
SinoTrack / ST-901M NewShell / ST-901 2018/01/18 17:01

Hi, my sinotrack ST-901 only works by SMS (send position, position on the map but no movement). In the computer is a problem, does not accept the unit ID and pwrd 1234565. Allways say user or pwrd error... in sinotrack site map, the car position is in mid-atlantic, thousends of kms south of my position!! I sent several messages to the answer is allways the same: they transcript the user manual steps... This is very disapointing, I cannot track the car in real time, only locate it by SMS. Is this possible because the SIM card is 4G ? Well, if so, there is nothing to do, here I can only find 4G, 2 and 3G are no longer for sale.
If someone can help I will be very gratefull

Demetris6 years ago

You have to setup your device to work in GPRS Mode: 710xxxx (xxxx is your password)

imarinkovic6 years ago

Try sending an SMS with the following: 710XXXX (where X's is password, default is 0000). This way you will be forcing the use of GPRS. Could you send and SMS with RCONF command, and paste here?

I don't understand why none of them (I buyed 2 ST-901) make login in sinotracking. tracker ID are 6170979543 and 6170981097 boath with the original pwrd 123456. I try to login and allways say "id user/pwrd error". The only way to get a position is with a call or SMS 6690000, I receive the position and the map URL that shows where the car is in that moment (position and speed). I also tried 8880000 to receive a SMS when the ignition is switched on, but nothing hapens, it gives no warning.
Here in Portugal we only find SIM cards 4G, no previous versions, can that be the reason?

Anduriño6 years ago

Debes enviarle 3 comandos (CCCC es tu contraseña 0000):

  • Comando modo GPRS:

  • Comando apn operadora:
    803CCCC internetmas

  • Comando ip y puerto servidor:
    804CCCC 5013

Más info:

imarinkovic6 years ago

"Here in Portugal we only find SIM cards 4G, no previous versions, can that be the reason?"....could be. It's supposed those devices are 2G only.

Gracias Anduriño, ya lo intenté y no funcionó. En el caso de no se encuentra en el SIM 2G, se debe tener en cuenta que el sistema operativo no es compatible con 4G. Esto quiere decir que hice un mal negocio, aún para empeorar, uno de los 2 que compré, media hora después de llamar a la batería, "murió", no enciende ninguno de los led's. No sé que pasará, se debo desmontar y ver si se da para reparar y tal vez no aceptem el retorno, aunque creo que deben aceptar porque deben saber que aquí en Portugal, no sé si el resto de Europa sólo tiene 4G, no más de 2 y 3G.
Gracias por la disponibilidad amigo. Fue a los sites que sugeriste e todos dicem que no accepta 3 e 4G.

Anduriño6 years ago

Tu SIM 4G debe funcionar (1800 MHz)

2G --> 900 MHz (Meo, Vodafone, Nos)
2G --> 1800 MHz (Meo, Vodafone, Nos)
3G --> 900 MHz (Vodafone)
3G --> 2100 MHz (Meo, Nos)
4G LTE --> 800/1800/2600 MHz (Meo, Vodafone, Nos)

Quad Band GSM
850/900/1800/1900 MHz

Anduriño, eres español? Esta es una información muy buena, no soy un experto en esta área, pero tu información va a ser útil para ayudar cuando un tecnico y amigo paquistaní que va a venir aquí para tratar de solucionar el problema.
Gracias amigo

I tried to log in TRACCAR but could't rich http://localhost:8082
I set in protocol TCP/IPv4 main DNS server and alternate server but didn't work

I keep on with the problem, login on sinotracking. Continues saying unactivated in the map and error when trying to log.
The seller sugested me to login in the updated website I tried but I found no place to login, most of titles are related with eBay and several other supplyers. Anyone succeed that login and get tracking?

Anduriño6 years ago

Config your tracker with SMS command:
8040000 5013

Login to Demo5 Traccar Server:

Add new device with your ID: