Persistence of the connections between client (Traccar Client and Teltonika devices) and server

Claudio5 years ago

I have a question about the connections between the Traccar Server and the Traccar Client.
When the Traccar Client establishes a connection with the server, after sending data to the server, does it disconnect itself from the server?
Is a new connection opened for each data sending?

And what about Teltonika devices?
Do they stay connected all the time or do they disconnect after sending data?

Thank you very much


Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Traccar Client uses HTTP and depending on the OS it can keep connection or close it.

Teltonika devices have a configuration option to keep connection open.

John Williams5 years ago

Using a persistant connection between the tracker and server will mostly depend on the client/tracker.

For instance, a Queclink GL300 can quite happily connect with either a long a short TCP connection. And even if the server closes a long connection the tracker will quite happily connect again after a short or long time.

Whereas a TK104 does not have the option for a short TCP connection and if the server disconnects a long connection, then the tracker will sulk and not connect again for ages. (At least that's how it was last time I tried it).

Also the TK104 can not move from one cell mast to another and remain connected whereas the GL300 can.

I have yet to find out what my new Teltonica is capable of.