mt-1 (h02 proto clone)

Christopher5 years ago


I have a chineese h02 clone.

I get the following:

"ignition=true status=4294942719 io1=730 io2=02 io3=29733 io4=29504 io5=0 io6=25 distance=106.81 totalDistance=370257.46 motion=true hours=23133000"

Any clues what the io# might be? I gather io1, 2, 3 and 4 are related to gprs carrier and signal.

io5 always seems to be 0.

io6 anywhere from 0 to 30 (but what is it refering to?)

Also, anyone can point me in the right direction for decoding status info (like step by step...) I gather that this is decimal and would have to go to hex or bin?


Anton Tananaev5 years ago

You need to request protocol documentation from your device vendor.