LDAP Over StartTLS

Clay K5 years ago

I have been able to successfully enable LDAP Authentication, but it it possible to encrypt using TLS? We have similar applications that allow that option over port 389.

Looking at the documentation here, https://www.traccar.org/documentation/ldap/, I did not see a configuration option to enable.

If I try to use ldap.url and use ldaps:// on either ports 389, 636, or 3269 for the value, I get an error:

NullPointerException (... <DataConverter:29 < Hashing:82 < User: 273 < ...\)

I did not know if I was missing a configuration option that may not be in the previously mentioned documentation, or if this is can be submitted as a feature request.

Thanks for your time.

Omar Asim5 years ago

Hi Clay,
Have you used idab.enable ?

If not i would suggest you to add that in your config file.

Clay K5 years ago

Omar, did you mean to say ldap.enable? If so, then yes. I have ldap authentication working, it is just sending data plaintext and I would prefer to send it over a secure connection.

Omar Asim5 years ago

Oh I got it now, let me research over it a bit and get back to you with a more precise solution.

redofi 4 years ago

Hi Clay K,

i'm actually struggling with ldap auth can you please tell me how you did it with an example,

thank you

Mathias4 years ago

I have also tried to activate ssl for ldap and have started a new topic here:

It seems that the nullpointer exception is the result of the certificate of the ldap server that is unknown by the traccar server. I don't yet have found a way to solve this problem.