Add protocol

Heleman Vargas5 years ago

Dear Administrator,
Along with greet
Is it possible to add the concox protocol for my CONCOX AT4 gps?

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

What makes you think it's not supported?

Heleman Vargas5 years ago

I am programming a test GPS with the GT06 protocol on port 5023 but apparently it is not decoding the payload sent, maybe I am wrong in the protocol

this I receive on my server:

2019-11-08 18:30:29  INFO: [c789f4c7: gt06 <] HEX: 797900a09404414c4d313d43353b414c4d323d43353b414c4d333d35373b535441313d32313b4459443d30313b534f533d2c2c3b43454e5445523d3b46454e43453d46656e63652c4f46462c302c302e3030303030302c302e3030303030302c3330302c494e206f72204f55542c313b49434349443d38393434353031373034313839323738353531463b4d4f44453d4d4f44452c312c3330302c313830303b00084da80d0a

and the coding is:

ALM1=C5;ALM2=C5;ALM3=57;STA1=21;DYD=01;SOS=,,;CENTER=;FENCE=Fence,OFF,0,0.000000,0.000000,300,IN or OUT,1;ICCID=8944501704189278551F;MODE=MODE,1,300,1800;
Kjetil Pedersen3 years ago

Did you find the correct port?