Using traccar server with own front end

Quade dennis6 years ago

I did change map layer from bing to osm, but maybe I screwed that up

mc4 years ago

Dear Quade dennis

Can you help me with forwarding too? I can't see the parameters as below too.

<entry key='event.forward.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key='event.forward.url'>{uniqueId}&attributes={attributes}</entry>

Thank you by advance

mc4 years ago

Dear Quade Dennis,

Can you help me too?

Happy New year to All

mc4 years ago

Dear Quade dennis,

Did you succeed to forward and push the 'common' formatted message to your own app? I want to do it the same, I don't know how to do. I want to receive from a few different protocols to one common protocol and forward to different server via HTTP GET/POST message.

Can you help me to configure the Traccar server?

Thank you

mc4 years ago

My friend helped me to solve the problem.