Error DriverUniqueId

Josue4 years ago

Hi. Have a problem with the attribute Driver in Trips.
The name is not coming out, or the id is not matching well.
I have a computed attribute for the driverUniqueId, in this case the
Driver 1 has id 3017484689 and Driver 2 has id 1621120833.
In trips it is adding a similar id, but it is not the correct one of the created drivers.
The custom.par157 attribute is the one that returns the driver's id, but when it returns it, it converts it into a decimal number and it shouldn't because it is an integer.
Who can help me, I don't know if I've done something wrong.

Josue4 years ago

The solution:

custom.par157 ? ((((custom.par157).toString()).split('E'))[0]).replace('.',''):null