Pepwave MAX BR1 Mini

steve3 years ago

The above router isn't listed in your devices as being supported but I checked and it does do a NEMA stream. Can Traccar read the NEMA stream as if it would act as a client?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

You mean NMEA? How does it send identification?

steve3 years ago

The router is able to forward the NEMA string to the Traccar server via:
using UDP, is this something Traccar Server can accept?
Thanks again for your help.

steve3 years ago

The stream can be sent either NEMA or TAIP. Thats about all the information I have on how to get the data to the Traccar Server from the Peplink Client. Please let me know if one of these options will work and what needs to be done on the Server side. Thank you.

steve3 years ago

Yes NMEA no NEMA, sorry.

steve3 years ago

It can send a "Vechicle ID" I assume, I would set up the user on the Traccar Server, get the ID and then use that as my "Vehicle ID".

steve3 years ago

I can also specify what port to send as well. I could send a screen shot of what I can do but I am not sure how to use the "Markdown" syntax to do that.

steve3 years ago


Anton Tananaev3 years ago

How does it send vehicle id? Standard NMEA doesn't support identification.

steve3 years ago

I will have to ask.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

By the way, Traccar also supports TAIP. You can try that instead.

steve3 years ago

Ok, so does Peplink. So depending on which I try first, how do you specify that on the Traccar Server Side, all I see is Under Required Name: Identifier: and then under Extra: Group, Phone, Model, Contact and Category, where would I specify NMEA or TAIP, in other words how to set up a client such as the Peplink?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

All you need on the server side is id. Everything else is on your device.

steve3 years ago

I got an answer back to your question on "how does Peplink send the Vehicle ID", their answer is as follows:


where "AAAA" is "Vehicle ID"

I haven't been able to get the Peplink to register it's many settings to Traccar. Has anyone successfully been able to do this?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

This format is not supported yet, as far as I know. That's very weird format they chose. They are basically breaking NMEA format. It's not NMEA anymore. Usually other vendors just add a new message type that has a device id, keeping valid NMEA messages. Something like this:
