Jointech JT707 or JT707A

knoxy5 years ago

Anyone have any experience integrating either of these two devices? I checked the forum but didnt see any mention from anyone.

knoxy4 years ago

Well it doesnt work. I tried connecting one up and setting it as a JT600 protocol, but it looks like the JT707 is very different.

This is what I got when I sent some data:

2020-03-04 15:02:21  INFO: [73905b7e: jt600 <] HEX: 7e020000437701903228350005000000000100000c0000000000000000000000000000441031214853300111310100d4012cd5020168da03000a04db020158dc0400000091fd0900e402000000000000847e
2020-03-04 15:02:21  WARN: [73905b7e] error - ParseException (Jt600FrameDecoder:49 < BaseFrameDecoder:29 < ... < WrapperInboundHandler:57 < ...)

What is the process to add a new protocol?

laudarch3 years ago

Hi Knoxy

I Just acquired 100+ JT707A, were you able to get it working?

knoxy3 years ago

Hi Laudarch, No I wasn't able to. I gave up in the end but I have some more and will try again. I'll let you know if its working.

laudarch3 years ago

I have started development to add 707a support, am focusing on location report at the moment, would update you when am able to get it working

knoxy3 years ago

Laudarch, were you able to get something going? I have a few devices with me now and some active SIMs. I have one set up to Port 5014 (JT600) but it gives parse errors so I assume the protocol is not the same:

2021-03-10 08:58:29  INFO: [571b702b: jt600 <] HEX: 7e020000437701903208080004000000000b0000000000000000000000000000000000200115022145300163310100d401ffd5020190da03000228db020000dc0400000000fd0901cc00000010922866c17e
laudarch3 years ago

knoxy, Yes it has changes for Jt701 and JT707a all working fine and being used live on 2,000+ devices. If you find any issues kindly do a PR

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

laudarch can you contribute implementation back to the official version?

laudarch3 years ago

Anton, Sure, I will clean it up and push

knoxy3 years ago

Great stuff, you don't have a Docker container of the GitHub version do you? Otherwise I might wait until Anton includes it in the official version. Thanks.