ZX612 / Topin Protocol / Battery Level

mojiwunefela3 years ago

@Dan Dyse, I hope you are still here and you answer me.
I'm having the same problem with fixtime one hour in future, me too I have "time zone 8 (east)" but I'm not able to change the device hour.
Please could tell me what is the command you use to set the right hour after wakeup?

Dan Dyse3 years ago

@mojiwunefela: as far as I remember, I couldn't fix the time problem. seems to be a bug of the device. I couldn't get any decent help from the (chinese) developers either. very annoying. my project ideas are frozen since then.

mojiwunefela3 years ago

@Dan Dyse, thanks for answering me. If I correctly understood you are able to set the right hour with a custom command every time the tracker boots, right? Can you suggest me that command?

Dan Dyse3 years ago

the tracker sends a request for sync 0x30 (see the log) - unfortunately, Traccar ignores this. but you can set date/time by yourself anytime, not just when the device asks for it. example: 7878 07 30 07E00705053718 0D0A sets it to July 5, 2016 at 5:55:24
hope this helps

Kirst3 years ago

Hi guys, you seem to have an indepth knowledge of the little bugger zx612/303 etc.. great piece of kit for 25 bucks! You are not boring the rest of us with your conversation, it is very valuable for us beginners!

I have an zx303 and are trying to send an sos alarm. Traccar server recieves
7878 01990d0a where I understand 99 is SOS. However status does not change neither do I recieve a notification for an alarm.
Possible do traccar receive 78780280050d0a also after 7878 01990d0a.

I have notifications set under both devices and server for alarms.
I have tried port 5023 (GT06) and 5199 (topin) without any luck

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Kind regards

Kirst3 years ago

Hi guys, you seem to have an indepth knowledge of the little bugger zx612/303 etc.. great piece of kit for 25 bucks! You are not boring the rest of us with your conversation, it is very valuable for us beginners!

I have an zx303 and are trying to recieve an sos alarm from the device and be notified when so on the traccar server. Traccar server recieves:
2021-04-28 14:52:13 INFO: [436d8633: topin <] HEX: 787801990d0a
2021-04-28 14:52:14 INFO: [436d8633: topin <] HEX: 78780280050d0a

7878 01 99 0d0a where I understand 99 is SOS according to documentation. However status does not change nor do I recieve a notification for an alarm.

Link to download 365GPS 3G GPS Communication Protocol (https://gofile.io/d/zbn4nS)

I have created a custom attribute looking like:
Description: SOS
Attribute: alarm
sos ? true : false

and a notification under server looking like:

Type: alarm
All devices

Web notifications are set under device. I have tried port 5023 (GT06) and 5199 (topin) without any luck

Is topin SOS not yet implemented into traccar or is it just to configure a custom attribute the right way?

Kind regards

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

The SOS alarm message type is probably not supported yet.

Kirst3 years ago

Thanks Anton for the quick reply.

I didnt think editing my question would create a new post. Any chans to delete my old post or even delete all my posts in this topic?

Then I can create a new topic to see if people have stumbled across this earlier and make it easier for other users to find a solution?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Why delete anything? Just create a new topic.

weizenbiers2 years ago

Dan, what I see in my log-file is that "upload interval" is only relevant if device is not moving?
If device is moving it will upload every 2mins? What is the mechanism behind this? Any chance to modify something in the device or even server setting?
Who is triggering? Thx!

Did you eventually figure it out? I'm also struggling with it. Cat is running around wildly with the S7 / ZX-303 on its collar, but most of the time, the device is still reporting an old location. This is frustrating, as otherwise it would make an excellent device.
Alternatively, did someone get their hands on a complete SMS command list (and would consider maybe sharing it, or telling me how to get it myself)?

Dan Dyse2 years ago

Hey there, sorry I don't remember, it's too long ago. SMS commands are these (copied from a document I found somewhere):

1 - Reset to default password: “pwrst”
2 - Restore factory settings: “1122”
3 - Inquire IMEI: “imei#”
4 - Modify IMEI: “imei#+no.ofimei" ( for example: IMEI#200000000000001 )
5 - LED light on/off: “led#on/led#off”
6 - Modify upload time interval: 
“time#+No. ( for example: time#1, time interval 1minutes, from 1-60minutes )
"MD#+number" ( for example: MD#10 , time interval 10seconds, available set to 10-60 seconds) 
7a - Modify IP: “DOMAIN# domain name or IP#Port ID#” ( will return to default 365gps server if the new server unavailable )
7b - Modify a fixed IP: SERVER#domain name or IP#Port ID# ( never return to 365gps server )
8 - APN setting: “APN#parameter#account#password#”  ( if there is no account password, don't need to fill in. )
(For example, China Mobile APN is: CMNET, text message: APN#CMNET#)
9 - Restart the device: “SYSRST#”
10 - Vibration Alarm:  6666#on# / 6666#off# ( open / close vibration alarm )
11 - Remote Pickup Call: monitor#Number# ( set the monitor number) , monitor## ( cancel monitor )
12- 999 : SMS Coordinate Positioning

and these:

000 # number # number # number # (binding three phone numbers, the numbers call the device will make voice  monitoring, binding only one number also available)
111 (SMS recording 10 minutes pause )
222 (voice recording 10 minutes pause, auto recording , 10minutes again if any voice, every time 10minutes,  cancel send SMS 555 )
333 (voice-activated dial-back call to binding numbers )
444 (delete all contents of memory)
555 (turn off all features)
666 (vibration alarm SMS to binding numbers, cancel send SMS 555)
777 (vibration alarm call to binding numbers,  cancel send SMS 555)
888 (play the memory recording --- such as the next play then pause after the broadcast --- this require a speaker )
999 ( SMS Coordinate Positioning ) 
123#1/0 ( Open/Close auto upload location data )
0086 Chinese language  , 0044 English language
