Another wrong distance calculation with teltonika devices.

visiondrive3 years ago

AlfSoli - in relation to the batch transmissions you should also check the teltonika config in Data Acquisition settings for Min Saved Records setting - I have always used Min Saved Records as 1 and Send Period as 1 - it prevents the batch uploads (upon connection return) but does increase unique data connections - it comes down to how your data usage is measured on your sim service. Min are all based on decimals of KBs.

Record Saving settings

Min Saved Records defines the minimum number of coordinates and I/O data that should be transferred within a single connection to the server. If FMB204 does not have enough coordinates to send to the server, it will check again after a time interval defined in Send Period field.
Send period controls the frequency of data being sent to the server over GPRS. The module makes attempts to send collected data to the server every defined period of time. If it does not have enough records (depends on the parameter Min. Saved Records described above), it tries again after the defined time interval.