Sigfox Setup - Newbie Question

GoingNutzo3 years ago

Hi All,
Expecting a kick in the butt for asking this, but as a newbie can I please get some clarification on the setup for a URL callback in Sigfox to Traccar Demo server? I can't seem to get it to register with the Traccar Demo4 server at all, device name has been confirmed right.

Currently in the Sigfox backend I have the following:

Channel: URL

Url Pattern:{device}&data={data}&seqNumber={seqNumber}&time={time}

Use HTTP Method: POST

Send SNI: Ticked

Headers: Header(blank), Value(blank)

Content type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded



Anything in particular in the above that I'm missing that might be causing me this much grief?

I'm sort of suspecting it requires it to be Parsed first.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

One problem I see right away is that you're trying to use HTTPS instead of HTTP.

GoingNutzo3 years ago

Thank you Anton, I'll give that a shot :)

GoingNutzo3 years ago

Didn't get much luck with that little change. May I please confirm that no parsing is required from the Sigfox backend to the Traccar side via the Callback function? Newbie question but just like to make sure, I've got another theory as to what the issue is but will have to try that in the morning.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

I think we support both.

GoingNutzo3 years ago

Hi All,
Ok, for anyone that hits this and doesn't know how to go about it in the Sigfox Backend the solution in the end was the following:

Setup a group call back:

Channel: URL

Custom payload config: lat::float:32 lng::float:32

Url Pattern:{device}&seqNumber={seqNumber}&time={time}&lat={customData#lat}&lng={customData#lng}

Use HTTP Method: POST

Send SNI: Ticked

Headers: Header(blank), Value(blank)

Content type: application/json



Feel free to change around those custom payloads etc, but after a few days this is what ended up working for me and hopefully make it easier for someone else in the future.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

If you are using OsmAnd protocol, you probably don't need any payload at all.

GoingNutzo3 years ago

Sorry do you mean the custom payload bit?

I found without that field it was sending the hex through to Traccar Sigfox protocol and it was being rejected:


600 - Connection closed by peer - #4

content-length: 326
accept-language: fr
content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
accept-encoding: gzip,deflate
accept-charset: UTF-8;q=0.9,*;q=0.7
user-agent: SIGFOX


Then again might be a newbie issue, just happy I got it to talk to each other was dreading a third party software to do the decoding.