Please help me Identify chinese clone

Nikolas Kostakis2 years ago

Having set up a Traccar server on Linux, I'm trying to make a chinese clone work. Its documentation is almost nonexistent, no mention of the protocol/port it uses. I set it up to transmit to the Traccar server ip address on port 5022 (the seller mentioned this as GT02A GPS tracker, though this is not mentioned on the box or leaflet).

The tracker shows as Offline uder Devices, but some data is reaching the server with the following data cut from the log:


2021-12-13 21:42:36  WARN: Unknown device - d0a7b3230322c35 (
2021-12-13 21:42:51  INFO: [4b55d008: gt02 <] HEX: 28303237303436333236333835425a30302c7b3230322c352c36392c31343838327d0a7b3230322c352c36392c33323632327d0a7b3230322c352c36392c31343838317d0a2c303130303030303029
2021-12-13 21:42:51  WARN: Unknown device - 27d0a7b3230322c (

ASCII for HEX String:


Can someone suggest a next step please?

All help very much appreciated.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

It's TK103 protocol, port 5002. But this specific message type is not supported currently.

Nikolas Kostakis2 years ago

Thanks Anton. Does this mean that, even if the tracker is set up to communicate on the correct port (5002), the server won't recognise the data?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Correct. It won't recognize those specific message type. If that's all your device sends, it won't work. Note that this message doesn't include any GPS location.

Nikolas Kostakis2 years ago

Strangely enough, once I switched the clone to port 5002, it shows online on the server


2021-12-16 20:39:52  INFO: [171c8d21: tk103 <] HEX: 283032373034363332363338354252303032313132313641333531392e383632324e30323530382e33383535453030302e303138333935313030302e303030313030303030304c303030303030303029
2021-12-16 20:39:52  INFO: [171c8d21] id: 027046326385, time: 2021-12-16 20:39:51, lat: 35.33104, lon: 25.13976, course: 0.0

ASCII for HEX String:



I have the same issue with a similar device ( GT06 clone) with the tk103 protocol. I have 10 devices connected to a server. There is no way all 10 device has poor GPS signal but they act like the GPS signal is poor. Devices send signals alternately with GPS signal and LBS position. For the results, there are jumping on the map because during LBS data vehicle server can not show position until it gets it again. It is very strange for the device to behave like that. Is there any chance to solve that on the server side?

Description text


2022-02-11 07:47:49  INFO: [8f16b3aa: tk103 <] HEX: 283032383034333133313230384252303032323032313141343331392e313834354e30323134382e33313732453039342e313036343734313230362e303630313030303030314c303030303030303029
2022-02-11 07:47:49  INFO: [8f16b3aa] id: 028043131208, time: 2022-02-11 07:47:41, lat: 43.31974, lon: 21.80529, speed: 50.8, course: 206.1
2022-02-11 07:47:52  INFO: [c0526c94: tk103 <] HEX: 28303238303433313331313930425a30302c7b3232302c352c3531322c34343131347d0a7b3232302c352c3531322c34303133347d0a7b3232302c352c3531322c34323138347d0a2c303130303030303129
2022-02-11 07:47:55  INFO: [22fe0ce0: tk103 <] HEX: 283032383034333133313438394250303033353532323830343331333134383948534f31613329
2022-02-11 07:47:55  INFO: [22fe0ce0: tk103 >] HEX: 283032383034333133313438394150303148534f29
2022-02-11 07:47:59  INFO: [8f16b3aa: tk103 <] HEX: 283032383034333133313230384252303032323032313141343331382e393933364e30323134382e31393733453039312e393036343735363230322e363030313030303030314c303030303030303029
2022-02-11 07:47:59  INFO: [8f16b3aa] id: 028043131208, time: 2022-02-11 07:47:56, lat: 43.31656, lon: 21.80329, speed: 49.6, course: 202.6  

ASCII for HEX String:

Description text

Those ASCII are actually LBS positions along with tracker ID.

Description text

Location is Ok for that data, vehicle is around that point