Quectel MC60 Device Protocol

Siva3 years ago

What is similar protocol for Quectel MC60 GNSS devices to use it in Traccar Server ?

Link for protocol document : https://www.quectel.com/UploadImage/Downlad/Quectel_MC60_Series_GNSS_Protocol_Specification_V1.1.pdf

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Looks like it's not a tracking device. It's just a GNSS module.

Siva3 years ago

Hi Anton,

We have local device manufacturer with MC60 gps module, I tried referring to this link : https://www.traccar.org/identify-protocol/ and able to get server logs as - (962569746033497,9,0,,,,,27,A,155413,130121,10.99387,076.98477,,0,,,,000,1,10.4,,,,,,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,,)000 Now I'm unable to find matching protocol to get perfect port number. can you please help

HEX code is sending data as - " IMEI number, packet number, GSM signal strength, GPS fix,time,date,lat,long,course over ground,gps speed,engine hours,odometer,main battery status,main battery voltage,reserved fields,calculated checksum.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Try Vtfms protocol. It looks somewhat similar.

Siva3 years ago

Thank you Anton.. I'll check

traccarr3a year ago

did you solve it? siva ?