Teltonika FMB140 data error

Kaloyan Kaneva year ago

Yes, but with your example, you will see IO200 as IO200.
See this example.

hornyakna year ago

Hi! Sorry, I did not have time in the past few days...
Now, I tried to add io elements to Traccar, but at the Device "More Details" I still see as raw io elements.
In the setting page if I try to test, I got an error:
What is wrong?
And where can I check earlier datas (not only the latest)?

hornyakna year ago

Round #2, I change the expression:
Now no error for test button, but nothings happen.

Kaloyan Kaneva year ago

Where is the value for FALSE ?

hornyakna year ago

What kind of false? The value between 0 and 4, I make an if state for all cases...