Mictrack Cat M1 & NB-IoT GPS Tracker MT825 Feedback

Ralph4 years ago

Is there a user Manual for the sscom5.13.1 tool or tutorial ?

Its not really clear how to send commands, even to load the actual setting from the tracker.


Mictrack3 years ago

Hi Ralph,

You can find the tutorial video from the link: http://bit.ly/36SlW7z


Kevon Smith3 years ago

Hi Mictrack,
I am planning to get the micktrack B50 4G OBD trackers, can you confirm which protocol (port) is used for the device to communicate with the traccar server. I found this document "https://www.mictrack.com/downloads/protocols/Mictrack_Communication_Protocol_For_B50_V10.pdf". The protocol described there seems to be the "huabao" protocol. Can you confirm?

Mictrack3 years ago

Hi Kevon,

For the basic GPS Report, the huabao protocol is OK, but I am not sure if traccar will support extends OBD functions on that protocol. Can you confirm with Anton again?


If that would be useful to anyone: you can get Traccar to display the remaining battery charge for your MT825 by linking it to a Battery Level computed attribute with this expression:


The formula is based on 5PL interpolation of the discharge curve for my MT825. It should be similar to other 3.7V Li-Ion batteries but might still differ so the result might not be equally precise for everyone, but should be a good approximation.

Mictrack2 years ago

@Sergey Thanks for your share :)

Dustina year ago

I just got an MT825 tracker and I'm trying to figure out what settings to use for my desired use case. I want to use it as a pet tracker but to save on battery and data I don't want it constantly updating unless the dog escapes our fence and I'd like to then switch to a "lost dog" mode where it updates more frequently. I created 2 custom commands in traccar, normal mode (mode,5,60#) and lost mode (mode,6,10#).
When in the lost mode, I can send the normal command and the tracker will switch back to mode 5 updating every 60 minutes. But while in mode 5, if I sent the lost command, it doesn't switch to mode 6. I can see in the traccar log that it sends the command to the tracker but no response it received. I also tried mode 1 but that didn't work either. I didn't think it would since that was deep sleep mode where GPS and TCP are both off, but I thought mode 5 would still receive the command since I think that is only GPS off but TCP is on.
Is there a different mode I should use for my "normal" mode that will receive commands from traccar but doesn't update GPS frequently? Is there possibly a bug in the MT825 firmware causing mode 5 to not work correctly that is fixed in a later firmware? I am running MT825_MICTRACK_B1.10V4.1_20220606. Is there an OTA server that has firmware updates for the MT825 and are there firmware changelogs anywhere?

Thank you

Mictracka year ago

Hi Dustin,

The device's default setting does not enable the heartbeat. If your normal mode is 'MODE,5,60#', you can send the following command to MT825 to enable it: cmd:setconfigure,5,0,0,0,90,0,0,0,0,3600,1,0,0#

Also the back cover srew spec is: M1.4*5mm self-tapping screw.
