So, no more telegram notifications.

Richard Acosta8 months ago

For some time I've had issues with notifications, so now I decided to clean everything up properly and start all over.
I was using the very old method by sms notifications to telegram.

No telegram notifications whatsoever, not for the users, not for me.... Before, it was all a mess, but at least some users had them, now noone.

I'm using

<entry key='notificator.types'>telegram,...</entry>
<entry key='notificator.telegram.key'>BOT_KEY</entry>

on traccar.xml
and telegram ID (obtained from sending a message to chatbot) on user's telegramChatId attribute. (tested different caps since there was a time when it was telegramchatId)

Maybe something I missed in time and there's other change/s needed that I can't find currently?

Richard Acosta8 months ago

Maybe some glitch or database corruption of some sort...
Rewrote the IDs on each user and it started to work, for the few I could test so far, still to see if everyone is working.

Delete the thread to avoid others more confusion please.