Where generate the tokens, different interfaces, only demo works.

Albin Soft9 months ago


When I was testing the demo I got the token from this screen:

Demo token screen

but in my customer's panel I only find this way to get it

Real token screen

it is significantly more shorter (less characters) and doesn´t work.

Is there other way to get it?
What can be the problem?

  • Albin
Anton Tananaev9 months ago

The way we generate tokens changed, so you need to clarify versioning.

Albin Soft9 months ago

Hello Anton,

How could I know it?

I am using Demo 3 for testing.
The customer uses a payed server provided by Traccar.

When the code connects to the API, it is neither giving information about version.

We don´t finde a clue about versions in any screen.

  • Albin
Anton Tananaev9 months ago

The server endpoint can give you the version number.

Albin Soft8 months ago


I found a post from you 10 months ago where it says how to get the version :)

    "id": 1,
    "attributes": {},
    "registration": true,
    "readonly": false,
    "deviceReadonly": false,
    "map": "osm",
    "bingKey": "",
    "mapUrl": "",
    "latitude": 0.0,
    "longitude": 0.0,
    "zoom": 0,
    "twelveHourFormat": false,
    "forceSettings": false,
    "coordinateFormat": "",
    "limitCommands": false,
    "poiLayer": "",
    "announcement": "",
    "version": "4.15",
    "emailEnabled": true

So... What is exactly the problem with my tokens?

  • Albin
Albin Soft8 months ago

That information is the the server of my client, the payed server, whose key is shorter and is failing.

The demo3 server, whose key is longer and works fine, is version 5.9.

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

Paid server with us? If that's the case they can contact support directly for any issues.