configuration Opinion

tomi-telematix7 months ago

Hi I am newbie learn about traccar is the good thing to start for iot, and I need opinon to first setting configuration here my setting


<entry key='report.trip.minimalTripDuration'>120</entry>
<entry key='report.trip.minimalTripDistance'>50</entry>
<entry key='report.trip.minimalParkingDuration'>300</entry>


<entry key='geocoder.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.type'>nominatim</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.url'>http://localhost/nominatim/reverse.php</entry> <!-- i have build own geocoder -->

<entry key='geocoder.onRequest'>false</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.ignorePositions'>false</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.reuseDistance'>10</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.format'>%f</entry>

I need opinion that setting was for normally setting or wrong setting

Track-trace7 months ago

The first question is, is it working for you ?

Interested to know which trackers / protocol you use.

Devices online, geocoder working ? Actually wondering for which countries you have build your nominatim server (i have imported whole Europe)
You run that nominatim server on a VM or on the same server as running traccar server ?

It seems good to me.. Reuse distance 10 seems rather small (i use 20 meters). But actually doesn't really matter.

tomi-telematix7 months ago

Devices is Online, I use teltonika, geocoder contries only in indonesia, which iam living, installing in same server using vps which ram 8gb..rightnow for experimental only

Thanks Track-trace

Track-trace7 months ago

Ok just for your info i have setup separate servers for it under virtual box (ubuntu). But running both traccar and nominatim server on the same server should work fine also with enough resources like cpu, mem and fast ssd/nvme.

jay7 months ago

Track-trace. I have setup a docker instance and installed nominatim server with south africa maps. Followed docker image fro githun mediagis.
A VM with 8gig ram, 4 core cpu, ssd drive. the CPU usage is 100 percent, memory is 3.5gig. Not sure why its using so high cpu. And I have only installed my country maps.

Track-trace7 months ago

Ok you should not have a high load at all. But you run that donker image on Linux?

You should first check which process had that high load. On Ubuntu you can use the command : top

Then you press 1 to see the load for each core.

jay7 months ago

I have reinstalled docker on linux, so far load is low. any tweak to setup on postgres conf.