Send Teltonika Commands

Trackera year ago

Hello, I am trying to use the custom traccar commands to activate or deactivate an output of a teltonika FMB920 device, I have found that the command to activate the output is setdigout 1, however when I send the command I get the response in the events " unknown command or invalid format", I would like to know if there is another format or another way to send custom commands for teltonika or any suggestions.

Buenas tardes
Debes de buscar los comandos en el manual de teltonika, y poner ese comando en: comandos personalizados de traccar

Trackera year ago

Thanks friend, as I tell you the commands I found are the ones mentioned for example "getver", "getinfo", "setdigout 1" but when I send I get that response.
Other people use the same ones and they are sent and work normally

el comando personalisado debe de ir dirigido con comas y con el numero del dispositivo que puede ser el ESN
si envias ese comando asi no creo que llegue. Hay que decirle a quien va dirigido, debes poner el ESN separado con comas y luego el comando de lo que debe hacer el equipo teltonika....SUERTE

Trackera year ago

Could you give me an example with one of the commands, I would really appreciate it.

claro que si
El ejemplo es para equipos SUNTECH
El comando es: REBOOT
van separados con punto y coma: (;;;;;;;)
Donde ESN es el numero de tu disositivo y consta de 10 digitos numericos

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Juan, how is this related to Teltonika? Teltonika doesn't use serial number and you don't need to include it in the command. And also, as far as I know, you don't need any commas or semicolons.

Trackera year ago

Yes I just checked and indeed teltonika is completely different, however sending the commands as teltonika suggests I still get the response " unknown command or invalid format".

desconozco como funcionan los teltonika con la plataforma. CreĆ­ que usaba la misma forma parecida a los equipos SUNTECH. El ejemplo que puse es para modelos SUNTECH

Anton Tananaeva year ago

You probably should check with Teltonika support. Provide them the full HEX command from the server logs and ask why the device doesn't accept it.

Trackera year ago

Ok muchas gracias Juan y Anton, voy a verificar el comando HEX.

Merabtenea year ago

I can confirm this is happening with our FMB003.
@Tananaev, Couldn't this be related to TeltonikaEncoder.

2023-05-30 10:18:30  INFO: [Tf5f1ceeb: teltonika > 154.121.XXX.XXX] 00000000000000130c01050000000b2020626174746572790d0a0100003f2a
2023-05-30 10:18:32  INFO: [Tf5f1ceeb: teltonika < 154.121.XXX.XXX] 00000000000000290c010600000021756e6b6e6f776e20636f6d6d616e64206f7220696e76616c696420666f726d61740100005ac0
2023-05-30 10:18:32  INFO: [Tf5f1ceeb] id: 357073293997348, time: 2023-05-30 10:16:14, lat: 36.75350, lon: 2.97852, course: 304.0, result: unknown command or invalid format
Merabtenea year ago

So coming back to this after some tries, It turns you need to send the command directly without login and password and without leaving two white spaces as you would do with sms.
Second thing is if you enabled position filtering, the response may get filtered out and you won't receive it.
Last thing, The actual version of the modern web app doesn't display the response message at all for some reason. I could only confirm it is working by manually calling the api (events endpoint).

Merabtenea year ago

Edit: forget about the last point, You need to create a notification for Command Result and select web in channels in order to see the result as a notification in the modern web app.

j atilano7 months ago

this is the correct command " setdigout 1 "