Solution Required To Setup MAAS (Mobility As A Service) Rental

Moaz4 months ago

Hi, I have a couple of e-bikes and wanted to set up an app to allow customers to rent them.

I have 2 requirements:

  • getting GPS data
  • remotely controlling ignition

I am a novice when it comes to GPS/GSM protocols and devices and would appreciate any suggestions on specific devices I should look into that can help me get the GPS data and perform remote immobilization if need be.

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

Check OMNI brand. I think they make devices specifically for scooters.

Not an official recommendation because I never used them myself, but I know some people are using them.

Moaz4 months ago

@Anton, just looked up some devices from OMNI, they cater more for scooters, and I have bigger bikes that go up to 70 kph, any suggestions regarding those? Or perhaps some resources I could look at?

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

Why would speed matter?

Moaz4 months ago

From what I have seen, OMNI builds bike locks that make sense for smaller scooters with smaller tires. These wouldn't necessarily fit on the bikes that I have.

Richard Acosta4 months ago

ANY GPS destined to be used in a vehicle will cover your need.

¿what has a bike/tire lock anything to do in this?