LMU 3030 to monitor IDs in a CAN bus

gok8 years ago


I have a situation where I would like to do some research on.
I would like to monitor an ID from a CAN bus (say ID0X43F). This ID has 9 messages with a 11 bit identifier.
I will have to check if all the 9 messages have been broadcasted on the CAN and once they have been broadcasted I will have to send a code to a user for back end ops.
I will be using LMU 3030 from CalAmps.
Could someone tell me how should I go about doing this. What kind of software's I should use?? and how do I proceed.
Thanks in advance

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You can use Traccar. Possibly you would have to do some modifications to the CalAmp decoder.