Example of monthly trip report, someone?

Roylee01a month ago

Can someone show me an example of how the calender looks like that can be used for a monthly report?
I'm struggling getting it to function properly. Same goes for weekly report. But the monthly is more needed by me.

Thanks in advance!

example format:
Type: xxxxx
From: xxxxx
To: xxxxx
Reoccurence/repeat: xxxxx
Days: xxxxx
Cristiana month ago
Roylee01a month ago

Thank you Cristian. I set some calendars and trip reports with your settings and will look tommorow if it worked.



Roylee01a month ago

I didn't received anything last night. What else is needed for receiving reports?
I think there's something else that I might forgot to set?

Cristiana month ago

Both calendars you created if you count the days add up to 8 days. The from and to, including both should add up to 7 days. At least that's how it worked for me, because I get the reports.


Roylee01a month ago

How stupid... I feel so dumb. I altered my calendar to the 7 days way. Will see again tommorow!

Cristiana month ago

why wait until tomorrow? look at this example

Roylee0123 days ago

It is working! thank you!

For monthly reports, how is traccar handling a 29, 30 or 31 days month. Can I set for example from: 01-03-2024 to 31-03-2024, then select "Monthly" at "recurance). and then for days only the 31th?