I need a small vehicle tracking device with these features - Please help recommend one

Paul6 years ago

Please help me select a new GPS device for compact vehicle use. I currently use a dytech branded tk102 clone. I am looking for the features below. What is my best choice?


  1. Reports line voltage to traccar
  2. 3g
  3. Has an internal backup battery that runs it for a day or so if the battery connection is cut.
  4. Alarms with no AC power to tracker so traccar can found an alarm before its too late.
  5. minimal data use - <15mb/month for 90 second updates. (Chinese tk102 is 6mb). No high-bandwidth http protocols.
  6. You can restart it remotely via SMS when it hangs.
  7. If it looses connection to the server, it will try to reconnect before 24 hours has elapsed (tk102... I'm looking at you).

Nice to have:
0) Altitude reporting

  1. wifi reporting for geolocating
  2. Reports GSM signal strength and any additional data (cellid, etc)
  3. Reports "no position" when gps signal is horrible.
  4. Supports a domain name instead of an IP address as a tracking endpoint.
  5. Lower power consumption chipset.
  6. A secure power connector that doesn't fall out like the tk102.

I'm looking for a "small" device, it can be slightly larger than the tk102, but the idea is for it to be concealable and I don't see a reason for it to be.

Any recommendations?

Vjoycar-Eva6 years ago
Paul6 years ago

I can't easily tell which features this device has. The manual is generic for all devices and does not tell me exactly what it does. Is it possible to point one at the demo server and share the login/password?

Vjoycar-Eva6 years ago

Vjoy Item TK05G meets all you required function, for optional items, except GSM signal strength, others available also.

It's public forum , not suitable to share password information. If u need, please contact by mail (eva@vjoycar.com).