Latest firmware for Teltonika FM1120

Jose Rodriguez6 years ago

Hi guys!

I'm looking for the latest firmware of Teltonika FK1120 because it has some features I need and the one it has does not. The version I have is and I know that there is, at least, version 01.24.XX by reading the manual buy by Internet I thing I read version 01.25.

I contacted with Teltonika three times. The first two of them because my devices is not online always -it's the feature I'm looking for and there is not in my FW version- and they called me and the last one two days ago requesting the newest FW version but no look, no answer. The download site of Teltonika has very old releases of FW (1.1.17 the latest).

So, does anyone have the latest, at least 1.24, FW version of this device and could send me it or a link to download it please?

Thanks a lot.

Jose Rodriguez6 years ago


Today my dealer send me the firwmare version 1.1.26 and 1.1.28 and booth have the Always Online setting and, for the testing I'm doing today, it is no necessary because the device goes online (green) when the ingnition is ON and turn red when it is off. That feature wasn't presente in the version before.