linker error building for wrong architecture

Han Wer3 years ago

If you are facing the below linker error when building the Traccar Manager App. That problem results with XCode trying to build for an architecture of the new Macbooks.

ld: in /Users/macbook/Documents/Projects/iOS/HungerStation/Code/customer-app-ios/Pods/mopub-ios-sdk/MoPubSDK/Viewability/MOAT/MPUBMoatMobileAppKit.framework/MPUBMoatMobileAppKit(MPUBMoatAnalytics.o), building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS, for architecture arm64

What you have to do to solve this problem is to exclude "arm64" in die XCodes Project Build Settings Excluded Architectures.

This error raises with Big Sur and XCode 12.2

Hope it helps