Need help to configure a Sinotrack ST-901 acc on/off and shock sensor

nicolas5 years ago

Hi All,
I would like to configure my tracker in sms mode and shock sensor only.

My objective:
When i start the moto(acc=12v,on) the tracker is in sleep mode no call or message sending,also the shock sensor is deactivated.
When i stop the moto (acc=0v,off)the tracker is in sleep mode but the shock sensor is activated.
Is it possible to configure that?
Hope that all people know what i need.

Thanks for your help.

Andy Frew5 years ago

Hello...GPS trackers may be of interest not only to motorists, their use goes far beyond raising the protection of iron horses. And such a wide range of applications for devices using their functionality is being discussed.

ST-901 shock sensor only available on acc state.

ozgur5 years ago

The shock only works when the acc is on. How can I resolve this? Does the shock sensor not work when sleep mode is active?