Recent topics by Sumit

Upgrading my server from 3.12 to 4.55 years ago10
Server was automatic shut down.5 years ago3
Web Socket: no. of requests5 years ago2
Set Timezone for the Devices4 years ago4
Traccar Server Configuration5 years ago8
Geofence Event Creating Error5 years ago3
Geofence Problem5 years ago8
GPS + Video Streaming5 years ago2
ETA support5 years ago7
SMPP Server5 years ago6
Double Reporting of a Device5 years ago6
Web Socket6 years ago2
Device Attributes6 years ago9
Traccar-Server Log6 years ago4
Positions Partition6 years ago16
Reporting of Devices6 years ago2
Geofence Notification6 years ago11
Taking Too Much CPU Utilization6 years ago17
closedChannelException6 years ago4
GPS location wrong and Speed wrong6 years ago7
Query not provided: database.________6 years ago5
Send Push Notification to only Registered Users' Geofence6 years ago11
Add New Column in a table3 years ago7
Separate Devices Geofence Issue6 years ago4
Add New Query Issue6 years ago3
Power Cut Alarm6 years ago14
Positions are not updating6 years ago16
Traccar Client - Location Update6 years ago9
Geofence Event6 years ago3
Devices Status6 years ago3
Server Time Issue6 years ago3
Trip Defining Algorithm6 years ago2
Calculate Trip Distance WRONG6 years ago6
Geofence6 years ago5
Traccar MySQL Database6 years ago2
Trip Ending Issue6 years ago3
Detect Trips Algorithm6 years ago3