Recent replies by Diego Marchesini

#60825Cuanta memoria libre tiene el servidor?.…3 years ago
#60674Is there a way when a geofence si reache…3 years ago
#60309Traccar team can make this modificacione…3 years ago
#60277Is there a way to make an automatic geo…3 years ago
#51604Error 1053 its an hardware or Java prob…4 years ago
#50847I dont think so... But i started to us…4 years ago
#50845Hi Anton, Is there a way to use (or imp…4 years ago
#50048fijate si tenes un log como este: /var/l…4 years ago
#50046sudo: unable to resolve host traccar2: N…4 years ago
#50041Puede ser por un tema de memoria... rein…4 years ago
#499361 que base de datos de sql? MS SQL o My…4 years ago
#49561see in the original DB from where you im…4 years ago
#49557What are you executing that thows that e…4 years ago
#49513You set a NULL (uppercase) instread of n…4 years ago
#48121Is there a way to make a geofence disape…4 years ago
#48120try disabling firewall and set SeLinux t…4 years ago
#47819hi everyone, Im trying to implement tr…4 years ago
#47270Yes, and configure it in the iPhone Trac…4 years ago
#47260Con una ip fija y hacer un port fowardin…4 years ago
#46833que marca son los dispositivos?, si pone…5 years ago
#46783Port fowarding in the router to the inte…5 years ago
#46700Es un buen tiempo, te fijaste en los log…5 years ago
#46698Carlos, cada cunto reportan los disposi…5 years ago
#46535You want to send a notification from the…5 years ago
#46454Sound like a good future implementation.…5 years ago
#46436Can anybody touch the device, turning it…5 years ago
#46434Maybe the device is releasing the ip and…5 years ago
#46416Maybe the database structure change from…5 years ago
#46369Can you do a telnet to the sql server?…5 years ago
#46148well, im going to update this. forgivem…5 years ago
#46147let me know if you need help...…5 years ago
#46141See this link:…5 years ago
#46118I think that you can share ports. You h…5 years ago
#46086forgiveme about my english... …5 years ago
#46085Thinking about your question... i dont …5 years ago
#46083Hay alguna posibilidad de tener un calen…5 years ago
#46082Yes you can use the same port, you need …5 years ago
#46019how about this?…5 years ago