Traccar 3.12

July 8, 2017

Traccar GPS tracking system version 3.12 is available for download.

It has been a while since last release and there are a lot of new exciting things in this release. Most major changes are around attribute system.

There is a new feature called "Computed Attributes". It allows to add a specially-formatted expressions to modify and add new position attributes. For example, it will allow to automatically convert Teltonika "IO" values into meaningful attributes that can then be displayed for the user. Expression language is very flexible and you can implement pretty much anything you want with it. Check official documentation for computed attributes for more information of how to use it.

Another major improvement is addition of well-known attributes to the web app. Now instead of English keys, which were sometimes hard to understand, you get localizable attributes with properly formatted values, with units where applicable. You don't need to remember the keys for commonly used attributes (for example, to set up device speed limit). Now you can select a know attribute from a drop-down menu. This feature is available for all types of attributes (user, device etc). Please don't use attribute aliases anymore as we plan to remove them in one of the next releases.

With well-known attributes we added quite a few string to translate. If you see any missing or wrong translation, please help us to localize Traccar project using Transifex platform. It's really easy to use and localization won't take much of your time.

And that's not even all new things related to attributers. We have added all optional well-known attributes to the Route report. You can access them from column header menu. All attribute values are properly formatted in the report as well.

There is a new Stops report, a new fuel drop notification and a few new alarm types. For more information about new report check Trips and Stops documentation. Feel free to ask questions on the forum about any of the new features.

In the web interface there is now new panel for alerts. It's located on the right-hand side of the screen on desktop layout, and in a separate window in mobile layout. With this new feature you will never miss any important notifications from your devices.

And there are many more smaller modifications and improvements, including support for voice and photos, new statistics options, new icon types, optimizations to distance calculation and geocoding, and seven new GPS communication protocols. As usual, there are also many bug fixes and improvements to existing protocols.

There are more new features and improvement on the roadmap for Traccar GPS system. If you want to receive updates, please subscribe to the project newsletter.

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