Traccar Server

Traccar 4.5 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/LoggerFactory5 years agoroneskinder8
eelink UDP protocol responses5 years agoJeff Mattheson1
Telegram notification for everyone5 years agoFerchoes1
Data backup & Restore5 years agoHan Myo Htut4
Doors commands5 years agoSteven Grossberg1
Protocol type5 years agoSynergy Dave6
Setting notification by days?5 years agoSezai sezen3
Create new tables in Traccar MySQL database5 years agoVictor Butler3
Feature: Registration Email activation link?5 years agoNinja Tracker3
Changing Map For User7 months agozawye3
Trying to connect device but can't figure out what protocol it's using5 years agoKirill3
The .jar file cant be find 5 years agoYesunew Hailu2
Не пишет в базу координаты когда ставлю geocoder.ignorePositions false5 years agoDima3
Traccar UI lists break after certain threshold, probable reason of API issues5 years agoMichał Piasecki5
Speed problem5 years agochinzorig ivan3